Tuesday, 26 June 2012

14 days to go: packing, cocktails and emotional farewells

That's 14 days until we leave the UK; there are only six days until we move out of our flat and leave London. The boxes for the shipping container left this morning - I really hope we see them again in Sydney, and with no breakages would be even better!

We treated ourselves last night to a bottle of champagne as we had finally finished packing the boxes and the sun was out! It's evenings like this I will miss about London and our flat - sitting in the lovely garden with a drink as the sun goes down.

('scuse the lack of make up!)

We've also been doing more rounds of saying farewell to people. I've been out with friends quite a bit recently and it was my last proper girls' night last week - lots of cocktails, yummy food and a bit of dancing in Camden which was perfect.

The Mr and I also had a leaving party for our London friends last weekend, which was pretty emotional but great fun. I knew saying goodbye to our friends would be difficult but didn't realise it would be quite so traumatic. This has made us realise how much our friends mean to us, and the big part they have played in our lives over the seven years we've been together.

The calm before the storm...

So now we just have our last few days in London to look forward to, including more dinners, drinks and golf (for Steve; I will hopefully be in the spa with my friend and her mum!).

Monday, 18 June 2012

Moving to Oz: 22 days to go...

Apologies AGAIN for my lack of blogging, but we've been rather busy booking flights, packing and beginning the long rounds of (emotional) goodbyes.

That's right, we've booked our flights. We leave the UK on 10th July - that is only 22 days away.

To compound this matter even further, we leave our flat (and London *sob*) in 14 days. If you were seated where I am right now, you wouldn't think we had to leave in two weeks. Everything in our kitchen looks like it always has done. Magnets still on the fridge, cookbooks and spices still on the shelf and the washing is going round and round in front of me. I think it still hasn't sunk it yet that I need to vacate this place in 14 days, and during this time I have various lunches, dinners, girls' nights and galleries to attend, so time is precious.

The boxes from the removal company were sent to us last week, and we spent most of Friday and all of Saturday cataloguing CDs, DVDs and books (actually I catalogued everything on a spreadsheet; I think I miss wedding planning!), and packing them. Our living room looks like a bomb has hit it - Exhibit A...

So I'm feeling slightly better that at least we've started in one room... I have a whole day free today which should be spent sorting out clothes, shoes and filing paperwork, but what am I doing? Blogging, spending hours on Twitter and Instagram, and catching up on my favourite blogs. I am taking procrastination to a whole new level...!

Now the plane tickets are booked and we're starting to say goodbye to some incredibly dear people, it has hit me that we are leaving London and the people that mean the most to us in the whole world (except those in Sydney of course!). I've found myself becoming quite sentimental about all things London when I'm walking around town, and my followers on Instagram and Twitter are probably getting bored of my pictures and ramblings about this beautiful city. I spent a fabulous day with my Auntie last week in town, having lunch, drinking too much wine and having a wander around Marylebone High Street.

The beautiful St Pancras Renaissance Hotel. You must go if you're in the Kings Cross area.

Jubilee decorations still up in Regent St. The patriotic side of me is still alive and kicking!

With my Auntie - fab day, with great company, lovely food and good wine (as you can probably see!).

So I think the next few weeks are going to be pretty traumatic and I'm not really looking forward to the goodbyes - I even got misty eyed at my last hairdressing appointment! But I have a lot to look forward to when we finally touch down in Sydney. We Skyped some of the family last week and it got me really excited just seeing how excited they are, and they have already booked us in to do lots of things - 30th birthday parties, AFL games, book clubs, gym sessions(??)...we are going to be pretty busy people in the first few weeks!

I will try and blog some more as we get nearer to our leaving date. At the moment I have a leaving party to plan for our London friends this Saturday, and various lunch and dinner dates with so many dear friends. I just know I'm going to be an emotional wreck at the end of these two weeks!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Friday picture post

I haven't done one of these for a while as I've been away on and off for the last few weeks, so here are some Instagram photos taken in May. As you will have noticed I've been pretty useless with the whole 'Photo a Day' concept...I didn't even last two days this month! So these are just some random pics not connected with Photo a Day May...or June!

  1. The other half pulling a pint at our friend's pub after a long absence. We met when we worked together in a pub about nine years ago, and both had a go at pulling a pint for old time's sake...

    2. The amazing Plaça Reial in Barcelona (see my blog post about our trip here). 

 3. My beautiful café con leche by the beach in Spain. 

 4. Drinks at our amazing hotel in Barcelona. 

 5. My first homemade iced coffee! 

 6. A chilled Saturday morning in the sun (the book, The Thread by Victoria Hislop is brilliant - a must-read if you loved her first two). 

7. The view from the apartment in Cannes where I went for a few days with my friend last week. 

8. A girls' holiday wouldn't be complete without a bottle of bubbles on the balcony! 

 9. A beautiful flower in our garden...thanks should be given to the amazing amount of rain we've had, but I think we've had enough now.

Looking back through these photos, I realise that many of them involve a drink of some kind - be it wine or coffee! Please don't judge - I have been on holiday this month! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Sydney...by Sydneysiders

We have recently booked our flights to Sydney (more about that later), so to balance out my recent post on what I want to do before I leave London, I thought I’d blog about what I've got to look forward to about life in Sydney. In fact I have asked three friends of mine, currently residing there, to let me know what they love about this city and its surroundings, and their favourite things to do. So this is Sydney, according to Sydneysiders...

Heather is my cousin-in-law and lives in the Northern Beaches.
  • Running from Queenscliff to Shelly Beach as the sun is setting - you can't beat the fresh ocean air. 
  • Having coffee at Pilu Café overlooking Freshwater Beach with my girlfriends. 
  • Balmy summer nights out on the jetty at the Wharf Bar in Manly, watching the Sydney Ferry cross the harbour.
  • Eating fresh seafood at the Fish Café, Manly.
  • Drinks at the Opera Bar in Circular Quay, under the Opera House and with views to the Harbour Bridge.
  • Taking part in the annual City-to-Surf fun run. The views and crowd atmosphere as you run through Bondi is amazing!
  • Shopping in Paddington.

Opera Bar at the Sydney Opera House (image from Opera House website).

      Michelle emigrated to Sydney from the UK nearly four years ago with her Australian husband, and lives in Sydney's Inner West. She has a two-year-old daughter.
  • Getting my fab skinny chai latte at Ashfield pool cafe after a swim with my daughter. It's the best chai latte in the Inner West!
  • Going swimming at the outdoor pool at Cabarita at the start of summer...beautiful.
  • Going for a swim on the beach on New Year's Day. It blows away the cobwebs...and the hangover!
  • The outdoor playgroups that happen all year round are great. I'm pretty sure any mum will agree the fresh air tires the kids out more!
  • I love going into the city early on a Sunday morning and driving over the Harbour Bridge on the way to a beach...it's breathtaking.
  • Everyone seems to have embraced me and my family since we moved here. And everyone wants to talk and say hello...

Harbour Bridge (image from Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb)

 Teya is also my cousin-in-law and lives in the Northern Beaches.
  • Going to any of the markets, including Bondi, Manly, Balmain, Rozelle, Kirribilli, Glebe, depending on what you're looking for.
  • Catching the ferry from Manly to Circular Quay is the perfect way to get to the city. The fast ferry also serves booze, but the service is too quick to finish a piccolo of champagne!
  • Going to any of the outdoor cinemas in the summer - I went to the one in the Botanic Gardens earlier this year.
  • Canoeing or kayaking on Narrabeen Lakes or in Middle Harbour.
  • Sculpture by the Sea from Bondi to Bronte.
  • Eating yum cha in Chinatown.
  • A pub crawl around the Rocks, including taking in the view from the Glenmore Rooftop Hotel.
  • Playing two up on Anzac Day.
  • Enjoying a hot Christmas Day and having seafood and cold cuts for lunch with a cold crisp glass of champagne or Sauvignon Blanc...or beer.
  • Any restaurant that's BYO booze (I believe this is rare in the UK)!

Sculpture by the Sea in Bondi (image from website)

Do let me know if we have missed anything off this seemingly never-ending list of things to do and enjoy in Sydney, if you live there or if you have just visited.


Pilu Restaurant,  Moore Road, Freshwater NSW 2096. www.piluatfreshwater.com.au

Manly Wharf Hotel, Manly Wharf, East Esplanade, Manly NSW 2095. www.manlywharfhotel.com.au

Manly Fish Café, 25 South Steyne, Manly, NSW 2095. www.fishcafe.com.au

Opera Bar, Sydney Opera House, Lower Concourse Level, Sydney, NSW 2000. www.operabar.com.au

Sydney Ferries www.sydneyferries.info 

Sculpture by the Sea www.sculpturebythesea.com

Rooftop Hotel, 96 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, Sydney, NSW 2000. www.glenmorerooftophotel.com.au (currently closed for renovation).

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

A Jubilicious weekend!

Wasn't the Jubilee weekend brilliant?! I was quite indifferent about the whole thing a couple of weeks ago, and kept forgetting it was even happening until I got back from the South of France last Thursday. It really did exceed all my expectations from the Flotilla on Sunday to the fly past yesterday afternoon. I think the whole thing showed off London at its best, even if it was raining; in fact I think the rain could even be said to have enhanced the celebrations as it was 'typically British' (although I was watching from the comfort of my sofa, perhaps I would have thought differently if I'd been out there on the streets of London!).

Now being a typical girl, one of my favourite things was checking out what everyone would wear. Which designers would Kate choose? Would Beatrice and Eugene look like the ugly sisters again, as they had at the Royal Wedding last year? And of course, what would the Queen herself be wearing? I even got up early yesterday morning, with a friend who was staying with us, to check out the choice of attire worn by the congregation arriving at St Pauls for the service.

So these are my favourite outfits from the whole weekend...

1. Duchess of Cambridge wearing a dress by Alexander McQueen and a hat by Jane Taylor to the service at St Pauls on Tuesday.


This was by far my favourite outfit from the whole weekend, and surprise surprise it was worn by the Duchess of Cambridge. I didn't like the shoes, however, as she has worn these so many times (including on Sunday - see below) and I thought she might have pulled out something special this weekend. Still, this dress is beautiful and I want it!

Image from Instyle.

2. Duchess of Cambridge wearing Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen at the river pageant on Sunday.


Some people (well, journalists) said Kate shouldn't have worn such a bright colour during the jubilee celebrations as it took attention away from the Queen, which I think is absolute rubbish. No one was going to take anything away from the Queen this weekend; it was her weekend. Kate looked fab, the Queen looked fab, and so did the Princes.

Image from the Daily Mail website.

3. The Queen wearing a coat dress by Angela Kelly to the service at St Pauls on Tuesday.

This was my favourite outfit the queen wore all weekend, I especially loved the bit of bling she had going on! She looked a lot happier than she did the night before at the concert too, I think she looked exhausted when she finally took her seat on Monday evening. Glad to see her looking much better on the last day of the celebrations!

Image from the Daily Mail website.

4. Sophie Winkleman at the service at St Pauls.

I love this whole ensemble that Sophie Winkleman (or Lady Frederick Windsor) wore, although I can't find who the designer is anywhere!

Image from Hello website.

5. Sir Elton John at the Jubilee concert on Monday evening.

I had to put this one in as I love Elton, and how could we possibly forget this jacket?!

Image from the Guardian website.

Do you agree with my choices, or was there someone else who caught your eye? One of the men perhaps?!

Hope you all had an amazing long weekend...only two more working days to go until the next weekend!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Happy Jubilee Weekend!

What is everyone up to this Jubilee weekend? We're off to Devon this afternoon for a couple of days with friends and then have a family party on Monday, which will probably be the last time I see most of my family before we make the big move in six weeks or so.

I must admit, I haven't been a massive fan of the Royal Family over the years, but this view has changed recently with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge coming to the fore and carrying out a lot of royal engagements. I'm now quite looking forward to watching this weekend's festivities on the TV (we were going to pop into town on Sunday but it's going to be 11 degrees and raining?!) and feeling extremely patriotic I'm sure. However, what I am REALLY looking forward to is seeing just what Kate will wear...

Image from graziadaily.co.uk

 Enjoy the long weekend whatever you are up to!

I Heart Barcelona...

Apologies for the complete lack of blog posts over the last two weeks. I've been on a couple of lovely trips away, first stop was one of my favourite cities Barcelona, hence this blog post! I have been many times to stay with a friend who lives just south, but have never stayed in the city centre itself. This time however, we had four nights staying with our friend by the beach and one night in a five-star hotel in the middle of the city to look forward to!

Barcelona: the beach

We stayed with a friend in Castelldefels, a small town about 20km south of Barcelona city centre. I really love this place as it's right on the beach with loads of great restaurants, but you're still only 20 minutes on the bus into Barcelona. The promenade by the beach runs all the way into the town and is a great walk to do if you're feeling energetic (we did the walk a few times to burn off all the yummy food we ended up eating!), with lots of restaurants and bars lining the way. This time of year the beach is virtually empty, but come July/August it is rammed as many Catalans have their weekend/holiday homes here (including supposedly a certian Lionel Messi - see house below).

Barcelona: the city

We spent three days walking around the city and loved every minute of it. As we’ve both been before and done the usual tourist bus tour, we decided to just get lost in the city. So with no map we set off on foot.

I am not keen on La Rambla – it is worth going on your first visit to the city, but it’s so touristy and very expensive to eat and drink. I do love the areas surrounding it though, from Plaça Catalunya at the top to the Barri Gotic (Gothic Quarter) and the Born District to the East. Our hotel was situated between the Barri Gotic and the Born District so perfect for getting lost in all the tiny streets and alleyways in these areas. This is where you will find all the cheap and bustling tapas bars and bodegas where most of the patrons are Spanish. THIS is my idea of Spain, not the tourist bits selling English breakfast. We stumbled upon so many beautiful apartment buildings, churches and music halls as well.

The amazing  Palau Música Catalana.

This area also has lovely boutique clothes shops, as well as the usual names you may be familiar with (Zara, Mango and Massimo Dutti anyone?!). And the foodie shops are to die for...


Another great place to go (which is slightly touristy so apologies) is the Plaça Reial. Most of the bars and restaurants aren't great, but we found a fantastic bar which did amazing tapas called Ocaña. This place is relatively new and we knew we were in a good place as it was filled with Spanish, and a few Brits (not the Fosters-swilling stag types). It was brilliant value for money as well - for €35 we had five tapas, bread, 2 glasses of wine, 3 beers and 2 coffees.

Plaça Reial.
Me and the lovely wine at Ocaña.


Our hotel

We received a Mr & Mrs Smith hotel voucher from one of our amazing friends as a wedding gift, and as I am always drooling at the hotels on their website I was very excited to actually stay in one! As we were already planning a trip to Barcelona for a few days, we thought we’d use the voucher to splash out on a hotel in the city centre for our last night. I scoured the Mr & Mrs Smith website for weeks, procrastinating over which of the nine available hotels we should stay in. A week before we were due to leave, this list had been reduced to three as rooms began to sell out. So I finally decided on the Ohla Hotel on the Via Laietana, and I made the right choice...

Side of the hotel which had what I thought looked like eyes stuck to it.

Now I rarely get to stay in five-star hotels (I think maybe twice in my entire life), but I do know this type of service is standard when you’re paying upwards of £200 for a room. However, the service at the Ohla Hotel was immense. From the moment we arrived the concierge were delightful, first greeting us in Spanish and then quickly realising when I spoke in pigeon Spanish that they should probably speak to us in English. Our room was fab – I had upgraded to a Design room, which I knew had a shower in the middle of the room, but hadn't divulged this information to the other half (aren’t I mean?!). 

I know this isn't to everyone's taste, but I think it's a great design concept as it made the room seem really spacious and open-plan. I would definitely recommend spending the extra £20 for a Design room as it was much bigger than the standard with great views over the bustling street (but very quiet as the floor to ceiling windows were double glazed). Thanks to Mr & Mrs Smith we also had a complimentary bottle of Cava chilling on arrival...

For dinner we decided to eat in a restaurant local to the hotel, as the rain was lashing down by the evening. We started in the Ohla cocktail bar though, and treated ourselves to a cocktail each (12 euros so not too extortionate if you’re used to London prices). I had a vodka martini, which I thought would just be delivered to our table already poured. How wrong I was. With Steve sniggering in the corner, the lovely bartender came over wearing a pair of white gloves with a bottle of vodka, lemon, a martini glass and a perfume bottle. Everyone in the bar had turned round to look as the bartender began to explain to me that the vodka was kept at -62 degrees (how did he know I don’t have my vodka any other way?!) and that the vermouth was kept in the perfume bottle so he could spritz the glass before adding the vodka. I must admit I was slightly embarrassed by this point, but when I actually tasted the martini it was all worth it! It was pretty special. Steve had a gin and tonic which came with lemongrass and grapefruit and tasted delicious, but was slightly less theatrical than mine(!). 

The hotel bar.
We also went back to the bar after dinner as we just wanted a brandy and coffee to finish off the evening (it was past midnight by then as we were doing dinner Spanish-style at 10pm). The bartender was brilliant yet again as the coffee machine had been turned off, but he disappeared and returned 10 minutes later with two espressos and massive glasses of the most delicious Spanish brandy.

Breakfast at the hotel was also pretty special. It was a buffet as is usual in Spanish hotels; what isn’t usual though is to have serve-yourself Cava on the buffet. Unfortunately I was feeling slightly worse for wear after our night out so couldn’t really face Cava at 10am! Your eggs are cooked to order at the buffet (I had an omelette with potatoes and caramelised onion; Steve had omelette with crispy bacon), and there is the usual to choose from: pastries, fruit, toast, cured meats, manchego cheese, etc.

So even if you've been before, I'd recommend Barcelona again in a heartbeat. If you have been before, forget the map and tourist guide and just get lost in the city. I have been a number of times, but still always find something new to explore or do. And if you can afford to splash out for a night or two, you've got to check out the Ohla Hotel, even if it's just for the pretty amazing cocktails!



Ohla Hotel, 49 Via Laietana, 08003 Barcelona. www.ohlahotel.com/en 

Ocaña, 13-15 Plaça Reial, 08002 Barcelona. www.ocana.cat/en

Mr & Mrs Smith www.mrandmrssmith.com