Monday 18 June 2012

Moving to Oz: 22 days to go...

Apologies AGAIN for my lack of blogging, but we've been rather busy booking flights, packing and beginning the long rounds of (emotional) goodbyes.

That's right, we've booked our flights. We leave the UK on 10th July - that is only 22 days away.

To compound this matter even further, we leave our flat (and London *sob*) in 14 days. If you were seated where I am right now, you wouldn't think we had to leave in two weeks. Everything in our kitchen looks like it always has done. Magnets still on the fridge, cookbooks and spices still on the shelf and the washing is going round and round in front of me. I think it still hasn't sunk it yet that I need to vacate this place in 14 days, and during this time I have various lunches, dinners, girls' nights and galleries to attend, so time is precious.

The boxes from the removal company were sent to us last week, and we spent most of Friday and all of Saturday cataloguing CDs, DVDs and books (actually I catalogued everything on a spreadsheet; I think I miss wedding planning!), and packing them. Our living room looks like a bomb has hit it - Exhibit A...

So I'm feeling slightly better that at least we've started in one room... I have a whole day free today which should be spent sorting out clothes, shoes and filing paperwork, but what am I doing? Blogging, spending hours on Twitter and Instagram, and catching up on my favourite blogs. I am taking procrastination to a whole new level...!

Now the plane tickets are booked and we're starting to say goodbye to some incredibly dear people, it has hit me that we are leaving London and the people that mean the most to us in the whole world (except those in Sydney of course!). I've found myself becoming quite sentimental about all things London when I'm walking around town, and my followers on Instagram and Twitter are probably getting bored of my pictures and ramblings about this beautiful city. I spent a fabulous day with my Auntie last week in town, having lunch, drinking too much wine and having a wander around Marylebone High Street.

The beautiful St Pancras Renaissance Hotel. You must go if you're in the Kings Cross area.

Jubilee decorations still up in Regent St. The patriotic side of me is still alive and kicking!

With my Auntie - fab day, with great company, lovely food and good wine (as you can probably see!).

So I think the next few weeks are going to be pretty traumatic and I'm not really looking forward to the goodbyes - I even got misty eyed at my last hairdressing appointment! But I have a lot to look forward to when we finally touch down in Sydney. We Skyped some of the family last week and it got me really excited just seeing how excited they are, and they have already booked us in to do lots of things - 30th birthday parties, AFL games, book clubs, gym sessions(??)...we are going to be pretty busy people in the first few weeks!

I will try and blog some more as we get nearer to our leaving date. At the moment I have a leaving party to plan for our London friends this Saturday, and various lunch and dinner dates with so many dear friends. I just know I'm going to be an emotional wreck at the end of these two weeks!


  1. Wow, this could almost be a post written by me. We're in the same situation, the living room looks like an tornado went through and yet there is still so much more to pack. Time is running out here too but there is so much catching up to be done too :) I dread the time ahead though with all the goodbyes, it will be awful. I find it hard to enjoy the move and allow myself to be excited and really happy about it.

    I'll be following your progress in the blog and wish you all the best on your new start in Sydney. :)

  2. Thanks Anna! It's all getting very real now isn't it?! I'm also finding it hard to be excited at the moment, but I know this will change when we touch down in Sydney and start sorting stuff out and immerse ourselves in our new surroundings.

    I'll be keeping an eye on your blog too. Good luck to you guys as well!
