Friday 1 June 2012

Happy Jubilee Weekend!

What is everyone up to this Jubilee weekend? We're off to Devon this afternoon for a couple of days with friends and then have a family party on Monday, which will probably be the last time I see most of my family before we make the big move in six weeks or so.

I must admit, I haven't been a massive fan of the Royal Family over the years, but this view has changed recently with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge coming to the fore and carrying out a lot of royal engagements. I'm now quite looking forward to watching this weekend's festivities on the TV (we were going to pop into town on Sunday but it's going to be 11 degrees and raining?!) and feeling extremely patriotic I'm sure. However, what I am REALLY looking forward to is seeing just what Kate will wear...

Image from

 Enjoy the long weekend whatever you are up to!

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