Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday picture post

Just a short post this afternoon. As it's Friday I thought I'd share some of the Instagram photos I've taken of a few of my favourite things over the last few weeks. I am slightly obsessed with this app at the moment as I only downloaded it last month, so I find myself taking photos of anything and everything so apologies if this is a bit of a boring post!

My morning cappuccino in the sun (when it was sunny).

Oooh, the glamour of the rugby - at least it was Sauv Blanc!

The beautiful view from Primrose Hill, North London.

Don't look at the price...I can but dream (btw, the bag doesn't have '5' written on it, this was taken from a mag!).

Lovely bluebells outside our kitchen window.

Love this card I found this week.

And on that note, hope you all have a lovely Friday evening! Now the sun has finally come out we're off for a walk and then to the pub for a couple of pints/G&Ts!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Instagram bluebells. Wonder if you can Instagram rain too...
