Friday, 20 April 2012

My Australian visa process so far...

As my blog is partly about making the move down under I thought I’d share my experience of the visa process so far. I’ve found it useful to look online to see what other people have done and how long it has taken. I looked on forums and the occasional blog, but they mostly related to the skills visa (if you are hoping to go to Oz based on work skills) rather than partner or family visas. I hope that others reading this will gain something from my experiences.

My new husband, Steve and I decided to make the trip to Oz last year when we were busy planning our wedding (see forthcoming blog posts for our wedding experiences!). We got married in the UK but Steve has wanted to go back to Australia for the last few years and I believe I owe him a year or two of my life to try it out. Thus we decided to apply for a visa straight after the wedding when I could apply as a Mrs and we had the whole stress of planning a wedding out of the way. We thought that we could get a visa within 6-8 weeks of applying, as our friends had done a couple of years ago when they were first married (same situation as us – he is Australian; she is English). How wrong we were. Lots of looking at online forums later (Poms in Oz is a great source of help and support) told us that most people were looking at a four month wait at best, and at worst six months. 

Bondi Beach.

We had to get a move on then. When we’d finally said goodbye to all the Aussies staying our place after the wedding, it was mid-February and I got down to researching what had to go in the visa application and getting my passport changed to reflect my new surname. This took 10 days to be returned to me, so we were now at the end of February and still no nearer to getting the visa. The next week/10 days was spent getting together all evidence I could find that Steve and I had been living together for the six years we claimed to be living together – this included rental agreements from our last three rental properties, bills and bank statements addressed to us both at the same address at the same time. We had a problem in that we do not pay any joint bills at our current abode, as we have a lovely landlady (the mother-in-law of a good friend of mine) who includes all bills in our monthly rent, so we had nothing to show in that respect. We also included emails dating back to when we first started seeing each other, and numerous photos from our travels, wedding, my graduation and at various parties with friends and family on both sides. These were returned pretty quickly when we did send the application off though, so I don’t think these make much difference. I did, however, include at the last minute copies of invitations to weddings with both of our names included as well as various Christmas, Valentine’s and birthday cards between the two of us and from both sets of parents.

We sent the application off on 8th March 2012 and had an email confirming receipt from my assigned case officer (CO) on 12th March 2012, which also confirmed our fears that it will probably take 5-6 months to be approved. My CO requested that I go for a medical as soon as possible so I booked in with the Knightsbridge Doctors at their West End branch. I would highly recommend them if you are looking for a panel doctor in the South East as they were super efficient and really lovely when I nervously arrived a few weeks ago! The examination took 40 minutes and included a chest x-ray, blood test, urine sample, eye test and general poke around (although nothing invasive!). I had a really nice and down-to-earth female doctor, who explained to me everything that she was doing. It is pricy though, at £270. However, it was all uploaded online and sent to Australia House within three days so it is speedy.

And so now we are playing the waiting game...hoping it’s not going to take the full six months that they have suggested.

In summary, we sent the following to Australia House (recorded delivery):
  • Statutory declarations from Steve’s cousin, best friend in Oz (who we lived with for a year in London) and father.
  • Emails between us from the beginning of our relationship, and from friends inviting us both to various events.
  • Copies of greetings cards to each other and from families and friends to both of us, joint invitations to weddings, christenings. 
  • Copies of bank statements and letters from the council showing us both living at the same address over the last five years.
  • Copy of car insurance documents showing me as the policy holder and Steve as a named driver for the last few years.
  • Copies of rental agreements at the three properties we have lived in together, and a letter from our current landlady stating how long we have been in our current flat and that she knows us as a couple in a committed relationship (she attended our wedding).
  • Copy of a statement from our joint bank account.
  • My police check certificate.
  • Copy of our passports, birth certificates and marriage certificate.
  • Photos (these were sent back straight away; can’t hurt to send them though).

1 comment:

  1. I am always suspicious of how long things take, most of the time wondering if it is just to give people a job. Won't be long now before you're sunning on Ozzie Palm Beach. Just stay out of the water.
