Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Recipe: Chicken and Chorizo Stew

Since I finished my job I’ve found myself taking the time to cook and bake and actually enjoying it, which I never really did when I was working full time. Steve and I normally ended up just eating the same quick and easy meals that one of us could knock up in under an hour when we finished work. For Christmas, my loving husband (then fiance) bought me a recipe holder as a hint so I could collect any good recipes I came across. The only reason I really use it is because it's from Emma Bridgewater and it's quite cute.

This is actually a recipe that I put together myself (with a little help from the hubby!) as we had leftover chorizo and some chicken, and it was yummy! Seeing as the rain has made a not-so-welcome return today, I thought this would be a perfect warming meal for dinner tonight. It is super easy and you can throw in any leftover veggies you have lying around in the fridge, such as courgettes, mushrooms etc. 


Chicken and Chorizo Stew

Serves 2

2 chicken breasts, cut into strips
Chorizo (I normally use about half of one of those chorizo rings you can buy in the supermarket)
1 medium onion, diced
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 can chickpeas, drained
1 red or yellow pepper, chopped
1 can chopped tomatoes (390g)
A good squeeze of tomato purée
A glug of red wine (optional)
Pinch of mixed herbs
Pinch of paprika
Salt and pepper
Any other vegetables you have lying around, such as mushrooms, courgettes.

On a medium heat, fry the onion and garlic for about five minutes or until soft, and then add the chicken and cook for 5–10 minutes until it is cooked through. Add the chorizo and cook for a further five minutes. Add the chopped pepper and cook until it starts to soften.

Poor in a big glug of red wine, if using, and allow to bubble for a few minutes to reduce the alcohol. Stir in the chopped tomatoes, tomato purée, mixed herbs, paprika, chickpeas and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to the boil again and leave it simmering with the lid on for at least 30 minutes. I normally cook it for about an hour so it becomes a lovely thick stew.

Serve immediately with mashed sweet potatoes and lots of green veg (and preferably with a big glass of red!). 

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