Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Photo a Day May: Nos 10-15

Apologies again, I have been really bad with putting these up as we've had a busy few days with a wedding, various get-togethers with friends and family and then getting over all the get-togethers!

So here are my photos 10-15.

No 10. A favourite word.

Happiness. No explanation needed really.

No 11. Kitchen.

Sadly this isn't my kitchen, but one of the many I ogle over in various interior design magazines that litter my flat.

No 12. Something that makes you happy.

A sunny day. And would you believe it we actually had one on Saturday!

No 13. Mum

Due to it being Mother's Day in Australia and not in the UK, I wasn't with my Mum on Sunday. So instead I took a picture of a great card I bought for Mother's Day over here a few months ago, but forgot I had it and gave her another instead. Like mother, like daughter...

No 14. Grass.

As I live in London we don't have grass in the garden, just patio, so this was a hard one as I was out in Oxford Circus all day yesterday (where there is also NO grass). So this is from a magazine. One day I will have a proper garden, with grass and everything...

No 15. Love.

I couldn't really do anything else but include a photo from my recent wedding.

Did you think it would be of my new husband?!!

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