Thursday 11 October 2012

Somewhere to call our own

Yes, we finally have somewhere to live. Apparently we were really lucky as we were only rejected for three places before being approved for a house in Cammeray which is just north of the city, over the Harbour Bridge. We were told to brace ourselves for rejection from at least 10 places, but in the end we decided to look away from Manly where competition for rentals is fierce. We are paying slightly over our original budget, but commuting to the city will be much cheaper so we are actually saving money.

And we have a house! The last time I lived somewhere with stairs was when I was still living at home with my parents, so this has got me very excited. We now have the task of furnishing a two bedroom house on a somewhat limited budget. Thank goodness for places like 2nds World - I don't want to spend valuable money on washing machines when I could be spending it on candles and cushions (!), and to be fair I don't really mind what the washing machine and dryer look like as they will be behind closed doors (did I mention we have an internal laundry room?!). So this month's wages will be going on a sofa, fridge, bed, TV and basic kitcheneware. Next month's will be spent on a BBQ, outdoor furniture and a bed for the spare room (my parents arrive in less than two months).

So we finally have something to get excited about - a place of our own again. After nearly four months of being nomads, it will be such a relief to close the front door and relax in our own space. It's a pretty blank canvas so I'm looking forward to being able to start from scratch and style the house how I want it. I will post pictures as and when we get organised!

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